The Urban Art Museum is a concept that developed through numerous design studios and the work performed by Process Architecture. The idea is simple, where do you put an art museum in a densely populated commercial district when no funds exists for a structure let alone art? The answer is anywhere you can. The Urban Art Museum is not a building it is an urban network of commissioned art pieces that will be installed in select areas to restore blighted structures, reduce pollution, deviant activity, increase the attractiveness of the district and to promote organized urban art.
The first installation will occur at the congruence of 932 and 934 North Mills Avenue. The blight is a 9″ interstitial space that occurs between the two buildings and becomes a dumpster and catchall for unwanted items, including but not limited to 40 ounce bottles, switchblades and fast food wrappers.
Come out for the unveiling and support the project!
When: Tuesday, November 19 Time: 6:00-9:00 pm
Where: 932 N. Mills Ave.
Cost: $10 Don’t forget the AFTER PARTY at Lil Indies – 1032 N. Mills Ave.
And donate to Kickstarter to help fund this installation, and more Art in the Mills 50 Corridor District at this link: